
Michael Beasley

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Michael Beasley

An NCAA and NBA legend best remembered for his time on the Miami Heat and New York Knicks, Michael Beasley wears his heart on his sleeve. Now, in an effort to bring others the same comfort and perspective that he's found after 11 years in the League, he has debuted Easy Street: a thoughtful and meticulous fashion label focused on mental health, growth, and peace.

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Easy Street

The Brand

Easy Street takes it’s name from the Mike’s phrase “Everybody wants to live on Easy Street” – an acknowledgement that while everyone wants to live life without complication, that isn’t how our stories unfold... Having openly struggled with his mental health during his time in the League and since, Mike sought out to develop a collection that lifted people up and acknowledged the greatness in all things, without shying away from the hard times. Using his signature ‘smiley’ logo, the brand utilizes color, prints, and symbolism to juxtapose joy and sadness, imbuing the brand with an eccentricity and uniqueness mirrored in the rich tapestries of all human lives.

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